Museum Schnütgen houses a precious collection of medieval works of art in one of the oldest churches in Cologne. Many of them, such as the radiant bust by Parler, the expressive crucifix of St George or the unique so-called Heribert comb, a delicate ivory carving alone merit a visit to Cologne.
The spectrum of the presentation ranges from wood and stone sculptures to examples of precious goldsmiths’ work and glass painting and rare ivories and textiles.A distinctive feature of the museum is its large display area, which itself is over 800 years old: The tranquillity of the Romanesque church of St Cäcilien and the especial proximity of the exhibits invite the visitor to experience the works of art in all their spiritual emanation and beauty.
The exhibition series "Museum Schnütgen in Focus" regularly places consummate works from all parts of the collection in new contexts. It is thus worth returning again and again, as the collection will always offer something new to discover.